Legere 'Signature' Bb Clarinet Reeds
Signature Series
Bb Clarinet Signature
Artists tend to prefer our Professional Signature Series reeds as these reeds are a great deal more responsive in all registers. Signature Series reeds are made from a more dense material, allowing the reed to be cut substantially thinner. The unique design of these reeds makes them more flexible across the tip, producing maximum results with minimal effort.
1) How do Légère Reeds differ from other synthetics? Légère reeds are made from a special polymer compound with a very fine microtexture. They have low density, so that they float, like cane reeds. In fact, our material is designed to mimic the important properties of damp cane as closely as possible. Because of the microtexture, we can machine very fine tips for the fantastic response you would expect from a great reed.
2) How long will one reed last? Players report a variety of lifetimes, but most agree that one Légère reed will last for months, not days … easily last long enough to be very economical compared to ordinary cane reeds. Numerous elite high school and college marching bands tell us that Légère reeds usually last their woodwind musicians for an entire semester. You can prolong the life of your reed by treating the tip with care, and by rotating to another Légère after an hour or so of hard playing or practice.
3) Why are Légère reeds so expensive? Aren't they just cheap bits of molded plastic? No! Our compound is our own trade secret. We have to make it ourselves in order to control the strength of the material, and thus to make reeds of different strength. Our reeds are machined on an expensive CNC machine, not stamped or molded like conventional plastic parts. In fact there are many steps in the manufacturing process, and the entire process takes approximately two weeks.
4) Don't I have to get used to a "real" reed anyway? Many professional musicians don't think so. They are playing and recording on Légère reeds full time. There is no need to play on any other type of reed. Larry Combs, Principal Clarinet of the Chicago symphony, recommends Légère Reeds for his students. 5) Can I work on the reed? It is possible, but not recommended, to scrape the reed.
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